Turn Satisfied Customers into Raving Fans: 8 Tactics

Overdelivering on projects not only ensures client retention but also goes a long way towards ensuring referrals and positive word-of-mouth. Let’s explore eight actionable tactics from our virtual assistant reseller team to help your agency consistently exceed expectations. As providers of white-label VA services, we’ve seen time and time again what sets agencies apart. 

Know the Client Well

A deep understanding of your client is the foundation for exceptional service. Beyond the project brief, delve into their business objectives, target audience demographics, company culture and even individual preferences. This comprehensive knowledge empowers you to tailor your approach and anticipate their needs effectively.

Understand their personalities, their communication habits and their personal preferences to ensure easier, quicker sign-off.

Underpromise and Overdeliver

Setting realistic expectations upfront can significantly enhance client satisfaction. By intentionally underpromising on project timelines and deliverables, you create an opportunity to exceed expectations when you deliver ahead of schedule or with additional features.

For example, instead of promising a website launch in four weeks, commit to a five-week timeline. If you can deliver the project in four weeks with added features, the client will be delighted.

Anticipate Needs

Proactive agencies stand out. Go beyond the project scope by anticipating potential client needs. This could involve suggesting complementary services, optimising for emerging platforms, or providing data-driven insights that address future challenges.

Whatever ‘extra’ you offer, make sure it is proactive. Take initiative, and you will be rewarded. 

Be Honest and Transparent

Open communication is essential for building trust. When challenges arise, address them proactively and honestly. Present alternative solutions and transparently communicate potential impacts. This approach demonstrates your problem-solving capabilities and strengthens the client relationship.

Let’s say a project is facing delays due to unforeseen circumstances. Inform the client immediately, explain the reasons for the delay and provide a revised timeline. 

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Go the Extra Mile

Small acts of kindness can have a significant impact. Delivering exceptional service involves going beyond the project scope, which could include providing additional design options, conducting in-depth competitor analysis, or offering ongoing support after project completion.

For example, after completing a website redesign, offer a free website performance audit to identify areas for improvement and demonstrate your ongoing commitment to the client’s success.

Here are a few more ways you can go the extra mile for your client:

  • Provide additional services: Offer complementary services that enhance the core project, such as SEO audits, social media management, or content marketing strategy.
  • Exceed project scope: Deliver more than initially promised. For instance, if you’re designing a website, create additional design variations or develop a style guide for future use.
  • Offer exceptional customer support: Provide prompt and attentive customer support throughout the project and beyond. Be available to answer questions, address concerns, and offer assistance whenever needed.
  • Share industry insights: Keep clients informed about industry trends and best practices. Share relevant articles and case studies, or attend industry events on their behalf.
  • Provide training: Offer to train the client’s team on how to use the delivered product or service effectively. This demonstrates your commitment to their long-term success.

Value Client Feedback

Clients are valuable partners in the project. Embrace their feedback, both positive and negative, show genuine appreciation for their input and demonstrate how you’re incorporating it into the project. This collaborative approach fosters a strong client relationship.

You can do this by giving clients your undivided attention when they provide feedback. Show that you value their input by asking clarifying questions and summarising their points. You can also implement a structured feedback process, such as regular check-ins or surveys. This demonstrates your commitment to continuous improvement.

When client feedback leads to positive outcomes, celebrate the success together. This reinforces the value of their input.

Deliver Early and Often

Delivering projects ahead of schedule creates a positive impression and demonstrates efficiency. Use the extra time to refine details and add value to the final product. Consider breaking down large projects into smaller deliverables to provide clients with a sense of progress.

If a website redesign project is scheduled for a six-week timeline, aim to deliver the initial wireframes and design concepts within the first two weeks.

Offer Unexpected Perks

Another way you can overdeliver for your client is by surprising them with unexpected perks. This could be a small gift, discounted services for future projects or exclusive access to industry insights. These gestures create goodwill and strengthen client loyalty.

The key to success is excellence. And while going above and beyond to delight your clients may seem like a lot of extra work, hiring a virtual assistant through our reseller service makes it easy peasy!

Take a look at our virtual assistant services here.


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